MANAGEMENTMichaelmar Phils., Inc.

  • Ms. Maria Mercedes M. Ravanopoulos


    From its meager beginnings to its current state, through highs and lows, her grace under pressure has placed our clients at ease through any crisis.

    She currently oversees all accounting matters and has shown an adept knowledge in handling the crew MPI provides its clients.

  • Capt. Pericles Ravanopoulos


    With more than 20 years experience in many facets of the industry, he has helped spearhead the manning industry to what it has become today.

    Having been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OSG Manila, he has the utmost experience in crew management leading to one of the largest tanker specialty pools of personnel of which most has been retained by Michaelmar Phils., Inc.

  • Mr. Spyros M. Ravanopoulos


    As Director, the pressure falls on Mr. Ravanopoulos as he strives to deliver the quality of seafarers promised to our principals.

    With a Bachelor's Degree in Maritime Business, he has also undertaken his IMO Model Course for Instructors and Assessors. He is currently overseeing the whole operations of Michaelmar Phils., Inc..

  • Ms. Sotirula Patricia M. Ravanopoulos

    Assitant General Manager

    As an AGM, she is also overseeing the whole operations of Michaelmar Phils., Inc. in coordinaton and assistance to all the members of the board.


  • Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) top Performer Award.

    An award that is given to the company that has showed excellence in the field of recruitment.

    After passing rigorous tests and obstacles, Michaelmar Phils., Inc. had succeeded making it the youngest company ever to be awarded this prestigious award.

  • Det Norske Veritas or DNV is a member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS).DNV follows a rigid guideline that enables the companies they audit to comply with most if not all major legislations, rules, policies both locally and internationally.

  • The Filipino Association for Mariners’ Employment, Inc. is committed to ensure high management standards and business ethics. The membership provides competent, qualified and competitive seafarers to the world’s shipping industry, wherein there is a paramount need for consistency in meeting international maritime standards to ensure safe, efficient and environmentally sound vessel operations, thereby, attaining quality and excellence in the ship manning business.